Deep Jariwala is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Systems
Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn). Deep completed his undergraduate
degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Banaras
Hindu University and his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern
University. Deep was a Resnick Prize Postdoctoral Fellow at Caltech before joining Penn
to start his own research group. His research interests broadly lie at the intersection of
new materials, surface science and solid-state devices for computing, opto-electronics
and energy harvesting applications in addition to the development of correlated and
functional imaging techniques. Deep’s research has been widely recognized with several
awards from professional societies, funding bodies, industries as well as private
foundations the most notable ones being the IEEE Photonics Society Young Investigator
Award, IEEE Nanotechnology Council Young Investigator Award, IUPAP Early Career
Scientist Prize in Semiconductors, the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship and also the Bell Labs
Prize. He has published over 100 journal papers with more than 16000 citations and holds
several patents.